probit model

  • 网络probit模型;probit 模型;概率单位模型;概率模型
probit modelprobit model
  1. Probit Model and Logit Model are used to study the relationship between seller reputation and the sale rate , and our data suggest that positive feedback can increase the sales rate significantly .


  2. The generalized linear model includes models such as the peculiar circumstance , the linear regression , the variance analysis model , the logarithm and the probit model of alternated responds , the log-linear model , the counting many response model and some commonly used models of survival data .


  3. The Research about Financial Risk of Enterprise Groups Based on Probit Model


  4. Algorithm of Random Network Flow Distribution Based on Multivariate Probit Model


  5. Empirical Study of Consume Credit Risk Based on Probit Model


  6. Research on discrete stock price based on ordered Probit model


  7. Locational Study of Foreign Enterprises in Beijing Based on an Ordered Probit Model


  8. Methods To use self-report health data and Hierarchical Ordered Probit Model .


  9. A study on the ordered probit model to forecast bank bond risk rating


  10. Analyze Financial Statement and Apply Probit Model to Forecast Excess Stock Returns of China


  11. A study on Ordered Probit Model to the Factor of Farmer Household 's Consumption Decision


  12. Probit model to estimate the variables selected for farmers to grow tobacco .


  13. Ordered Probit Model to Residential Finance and Residential Policies


  14. Confidence , Willingness to Pay Taxes and Tax Compliance & Empirical Study based on Probit Model


  15. The first part of the empirical research in this paper is to build Probit model to verify these theories .


  16. Binary Probit model and binary Logit model are two successful realizations of this idea .


  17. On the Existence of Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Multiperiod Probit Model


  18. The Probit model was used to analyze the willingness and influential factors of farmers participating practical talents training .


  19. The result shows that the SBP model provides more efficient estimates than does univariate probit model ( UP model ) .


  20. In this paper , we construct a simultaneous bivariate probit model ( SBP model ) to correct the sample selection bias .


  21. In the second approach the count of EMBs is used to obtain an ordinal measure ,( Ordered Probit model ) .


  22. There has been four kinds of main early warning models of exchange crisis at present , namely signal approach , probit model , cross-county regression model and subjective probability method .


  23. To study influence factors of customer complaint , binary choice Probit model and binary choice Logit model of customer complaint are built , and two numerical examples are given , respectively .


  24. There are two different method of discrete choice model . This paper applies the Multinomial Logit ( MNL ) model and Ordered Probit Model to estimate the traffic incident duration .


  25. According to the existing literature and the European debt crisis causes , selected ten indicators for early warning indicator system , using the Panel Probit Model to build the debt crisis early warning model .


  26. Using the investigated data and Probit model , we demonstrate that women 's individual factors affected their enthusiasm and come to the conclusion that that the occupation , education , marriage and economic condition etc are major possible individual determinants .


  27. In addition , Probit Model is used in the empirical analysis of developing countries ' currency crises in 1990s , and it is showed that the capital inflows in the countries of high short-term foreign debt ratio are inclined to reverse .


  28. In the research on risk perception of the specialized farmers cooperatives , the author of this paper conducted a questionnaire survey to the managers and the general members , then applied Probit model to analysis the factors affecting members ' risk perception .


  29. It estimated the relation between financing needs , political participation and loans of state-owned banks with tobit model ; It also estimated the enterprises ' will of stock financing with probit model and so on . The research method is normative .


  30. A large number of scholars use the behavior theory of social psychology to construct the logistic and probit model , to find the differences between the adopters and non-adopters , further to understand the behavior of farmers ' technology adoption .
